Senin, 28 April 2014

Military Operations in History Part 1

#1. Operation Paperclip

In the aftermath of World War II American Intelligence launched Operation Paperclip as a covert attempt to recruit the scientists of Nazi Germany for employment in the United States. It turned out to be quite successful

#2. Project MKUltra

Project MKUltra was the code name of a U.S. government covert research operation experimenting in the behavioral engineering of humans (mind control) through the CIA’s Scientific Intelligence Division. Using unwitting U.S. and Canadian citizens as its test subjects MKUltra involved the administration of drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as various forms of torture.

#3. Operation Anthropoid

Operation Anthropoid was the code name for the assassination attempt on Nazi Officer Reinhard Heydrich. The operation was carried out in Prague on 27 May 1942 after having been prepared by the British Special Operations Executive with the approval of the Czechoslovak government-in-exile. Although only wounded in the attack, Heydrich died of his injuries on 4 June 1942. His death led to a wave of merciless reprisals by German troops, including the destruction of villages and the killing of civilians.

#4. Bay of Pigs Invasion

The Bay of Pigs was an unsuccessful military invasion of Cuba undertaken by the paramilitary group Brigade 2506 on 17 April 1961. A counter-revolutionary military trained and funded by the United States government’s Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the invading force was defeated by the Cuban armed forces under the command of Prime Minister Fidel Castro within three days.

#5. Operation Wrath of God

During the 1972 Munich Olympics, 11 members of the Israeli Olympic team were been murdered, which prompted a killing spree that spread all across Europe. Operation Wrath of God, set into motion by Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, was planned and executed by the Mossad (Israeli Special Forces) and involved the systematic extermination of a number of members of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) suspected to have taken part in the killings.

#6. Operation Neptune Spear

Launched as part of the US retaliation program against the 9/11 terrorist attack involving Al Qaeda, Operation Neptune Spear was a clear capture-or-kill operation with Osama Bin Laden as the target. After over a decade it was successful in meeting its objectives.

#7. Operation Valkyrie

Operation Valkyrie was a German World War II emergency plan issued to the Reserve Army to take control in case of civil breakdown. German Army officers General Friedrich Olbricht, Major General Henning von Tresckow, and Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg modified the plan with the intention of using it to take control of German cities, disarm the SS, and arrest the Nazi leadership once Hitler had been assassinated in the July 20 Plot. Hitler’s death (as opposed to his arrest) was required to free German soldiers from their oath of loyalty to him. After lengthy preparation, the plot was carried out in 1944, but failed.

#8. Operation CHAOS

Operation CHAOS was the code name for a domestic espionage project conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency under President Lyndon B. Johnson. The program’s goal was to unmask possible foreign influences on the student antiwar movement.

#9.Project 404

Project 404 was the code name for a covert United States Air Force advisory mission to Laos during the later years of the Vietnam War. The purpose of Project 404 was to supply the line crew technicians needed to support and train the Royal Laotian Air Force.

source : list25

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